Stories | Historias

Investigative Journalism: Maternal health crisis in New Mexico: services shrink, risks grow
An investigation into how access to maternal health has shrunk over the last few years, putting countless women and infants at risk.

Investigative Journalism: A deadly cry for help
The fatal shooting of Collin Neztsosie exposes the tragic consequences when someone calls for help — and police answer.

Investigative Journalism: New Mexico is training civilians to answer mental health calls. Will it reduce tragedies?
Despite the formation of various intervention programs, police continue to kill people in the throes of mental health episodes.

Investigative Journalism: Medication for opioid addiction is life-saving for pregnant women and babies. In New Mexico, few get it
New Mexico took a non-punitive approach to opioid use during pregnancy. Part of its policy was to offer families medication for opioid use, but just a few mothers have gotten it.

Twenty Acres of Goodbyes
A1 story. The ongoing pandemic has left hundreds of thousands of Americans grieving in isolation. A public art installation on the National Mall provides a space to mourn as a nation.

Searching on their own
A Navajo-led search and rescue group looks for missing and murdered Indigenous people — going where no one else will.

Neighbors describe the coronavirus as a hurricane that swept through violently: It sickened thousands, put many people in mourning, stripped away jobs and caused havoc.

A network of organizations with few resources, and a nonprofit with a federal grant have been scrambling to help migrants, while the number of buses rises.

The number of buses arriving in the city has doubled, exhausting donations and exceeding the ability of city volunteers and mutual aid networks to respond.

D.C. has the highest rate of senior food insecurity in the country. And while the city has several programs providing access to healthy meals, some seniors have fallen through the cracks.

A D.C. grant program is aimed at ending food deserts east of the Anacostia with small community food ventures.

A1 story. The blast killed a retired couple from Wisconsin and a bank official from California. A woman raising money for refugees was badly wounded but survived.

Negative ads are nothing new in D.C.'s elections, especially among candidates who have worked alongside each other in office.

Harriet’s Wildest Dreams held an event with free food and performances by local Black vendors, artists and musicians.

Maryland considers legislation to protect and expand abortion care
Although abortion is protected under Maryland law, some Democratic lawmakers argue an amendment is needed to make it more difficult for a future governor or legislators to reverse this protection.

A coalition of Democratic legislators in the House and Senate introduced bills to give workers up to 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave to care for a family member with a serious health condition or disability.

Maryland bill aims to reform a law that can trigger deportation for immigrants
A Maryland law designed to give first-time, nonviolent offenders a second chance, can trigger deportation for immigrants or make them ineligible to receive a green card or become citizens.

Investigative Journalism: How the Black press used photographs of lynchings to shock the world
Collected and circulated by the Black press and the civil rights movement organizations, photographs of victims of racial terror exposed America to the injustice of racist terror lynchings to Black Americans.

Investigative Journalism: Kentucky newspapers often blamed Black victims for lynchings
Kentucky newspapers contributed to a climate of terror by calling the victims bad negroes, “barbaric” or lazy and promiscuous.

Federal financial aid could be a critical lifeline for undocumented students, who like other vulnerable populations are still enduring the economic and social fallout of the pandemic, but it may not be enough.

D.C. schools have improved their hiring, but representation lags for Latino teachers and male teachers of color.

As numbers of multilingual students rises, finding teachers for them becomes a priority
A Towson University program is preparing educators to teach the fastest-growing population in the nation’s public schools.

The Health Equity Fund will help D.C. nonprofits tackle factors such as access to housing and income that majorly impact health.

Investigative Journalism: US deems migrant seafood workers ‘essential’ but limits their COVID-19 protections
The U.S. Department of Labor, which runs the H-2B program, did not establish COVID-safety rules for the workers’ cross-country bus travel. Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina — states with flourishing seafood industries that rely on H-2B seafood workers — also failed to provide H-2B workers with critical protections in the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Periodismo de investigación: Trabajadores migrantes que procesan marisco en Estados Unidos desprotegidos durante la pandemia de COVID-19
El Departamento del Trabajo de Estados Unidos, que regula el programa H-2B, no estableció medidas de seguridad para los trabajadores que viajan en bus a través de la frontera durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Maryland, Virginia y Carolina del Norte, estados con prolíficas industrias pesqueras que dependen de los trabajadores migrantes con visa H-2B, tampoco garantizaron las medidas necesarias para protegerlos.

‘Tireless advocate’ Argelia Rodriguez, who helped transform college prospects for D.C. students, is stepping down
Rodriguez, who launched DC-CAP in 1999, oversaw a transformation of college-going culture in the nation's capital.

Investigative Journalism: State lottery advertising tells players half of the story
State lotteries spend more than a half-billion dollars a year on pervasive marketing campaigns designed to persuade people to play often, spend more and overlook the long odds of winning.

D.C. is changing its mask rules, but the city’s colleges are staying the course
As the holidays approach, universities say continuing their mask mandates is essential.

The Duke Ellington School of the Arts announced this month that it was postponing a ceremony to rename its theater after Chapelle until the spring amid student concerns about comments the comedian, an alum, made in a recent Netflix special.

Duke Ellington school delays naming of theater after Dave Chappelle until April
Dave Chappelle's Netflix comments prompt discussions at Duke Ellington, his alma mater.

Loudoun County students walk out to protest school district’s handling of alleged sexual assaults
Hundreds of students at different Loudoun County Public Schools held walkouts sparked by sexual assault cases.

In D.C., incarcerated youths with disabilities are denied adequate education, complaint alleges
At D.C.'s youth detention center, students with disabilities mainly work off paper packets without live instruction, their advocates said.

George Washington University welcomes graduates back for first in-person commencement since pandemic
With the Capitol as a backdrop, students took group selfies with peers they hadn’t seen for months. Standing in line before the official ceremony started, some graduates met classmates for the first time after a year of virtual classes together.

“When it gets dark, we don’t leave the house”
Two murders in one week prompt a prayer vigil in southeast Baltimore, in an area where many Latinos fear for their safety

Baltimore’s Latino businesses, pummeled by the pandemic, are bouncing back
Baltimore’s Latino small businesses, pummeled by the pandemic, are bouncing back. After taking second jobs, helping parents through COVID-19 and finding grants and loans, they're looking, with caution, to better days ahead.

One organization offers translation services for indigenous Mayans during the COVID-19 pandemic.
For migrants who speak Mayan languages, access to translation services can be a matter of life-or-death. Amid the pandemic, one organization in Virginia is working to tackle this issue.

Community organizations focus their efforts in food insecure Latino families in Baltimore
Hunger and food insecurity have exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic. One organization is helping feed food insecure Latino families in Baltimore

Baltimore voters show up to polls with a purpose on election day
Baltimore voters show up to the pools with different purposes on election day. Immigration policies, LGBTIQ issues and voting rights compelled Baltimoreans to vote

Adultos mayores se vacunan en Prince George's
En tres clínicas móviles, el Departamento de Salud del condado de Prince George’s vacunó a cien adultos mayores con la segunda dosis contra el COVID-19 en las instalaciones de CASA de Maryland en Langley Park. Los pacientes eran en su mayoría latinos y latinas, el grupo más golpeado por el coronavirus en el estado de Maryland.

Organización trabaja para mejorar la salud de los inmigrantes latinos de Baltimore
Al sudeste de Baltimore se encuentra el Johns Hopkins Hospital Bayview, una de las sedes de la institución de salud más conocida en el mundo. Dentro del complejo funciona el Centro SOL, una unidad que trabaja en la salud integral de familias inmigrantes.

San Pedro de los pescadores.
Cada 29 de Junio los pescadores de Playas Villamil, Ecuador salen a alta mar a bendecir sus pangas, lanchas y botes que los lugareños dicen atrae abundante pesca durante la temporada.